Friday, July 06, 2007

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Another Jesus Movement??? Yah Right LOL

Another Jesus Movement??? Yah Right LOL

Here is my post to a “Christian Magazine” that claimed that one preacher is trying to start a revival across the USA and he want it to be like the “original” Jesus Movement” of the 1960s 1970s.

It behooves me the audacity of gentiles to claim to remake history and claim their brand of “religion of super spirituality and forget the poor and homeless, beats all other beliefs hands down!

Below is my response to the article. I am not going to quote the source. It doesn’t matter where the article is it’s just another person that is misguided it what it means to be a true believer in G-D.

Their idea is to have religion with out sacrifice of your comfort zone and not serving the poor and homeless.

Without further adieu here is my response

Another Jesus Movement??? Yah Right LOL

Once again the Charismatics Lou & Lee , seem to miss the calling of G-D and what really happened in the 1960s & 1970s. This is not a flame but an observance of people missing the mark and not having the true understanding of history. Get Steve to explain it to you, he was there and seen some of it for himself.

The Jesus Movement was not just a “movement” or a revival which is a false word but rather a breaking down of walls of people helping each other, helping the poor who we would never have unless the “world “didn’t start first. Why it is the "church" is always in the catch-up mode with the "world"

It was the “Hippie Movement” that started to make a difference in people’s lives by feeding the poor and helping with free medical clinics. That was their “gospel”.

Its time the charismatics and non-charismatic start doing what G-D told them to do in Matthew 25 of feeding those who have nothing to feed themselves.

The Church as it is called have tried to be so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.

If You really want to see revival and want to see another Jesus Movement then get off your praying hinny and in Love, prayer with open arms help those that need open help not a folded hands of prayer and get rid of it’s all about Me and Jesus syndrome that has shoved out the real Jesus/Yeshua out the door.

Like the quote “the poor you will always have with you” yes that is because we have not reached out to them with real help and not just placate false spiritual help.

Stop judging others that are having a hard time making it in your “false spiritual society”. Help in Love, prayer and real physical help; give to those that need help not your judgment call.

The church of today is a far cry from the church of the Apostles time and is mostly a joke that the world laughs at.

If you want change, if you want revival then fall on your face repent before a holy G-d and then get up and start serving those that it may be uncomfortable of serving.

Sure some have gotten themselves in their place of misery but that didn’t stop Jesus from serving them.

WWJD, What would Jesus do and then do the same, for are we not to be His representatives here on the earth???

Bringing True Truth to fellow servants of G-D, and warning to the rest. Messiah is coming get (right) ready, or get left. Read the blogs at for further instruction.
Thank You Serve G-D!!!

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