Monday, August 27, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Homeless is homeless no matter how many legs/paws you have.

Picture in Public Domain

Homeless is homeless no matter how many legs/paws you have.

In a local church bulletin, a parishioner had a stray 8-month kitten wander and stay in her yard. She I believe is allergic to cat fur and cannot keep herself but is asking those in her parish to adopt her. This kindhearted person took the kitten “Meeka” to the local vet to get all her shots. We all need to help homeless creatures no matter how many feet or paws they have.

I remember when we use to take care of each other. Sure, it is easy to help someone you sit with in congregation but what about the person that does not match your description of a person/human being. I have a long beard and yet people will not hire me because of it. I am discriminated by the very same people that say they Love G0D. One never knows that person that is beside you may be an angel as the scripture says.

Many will befriend a homeless kitten and never befriend a homeless human being that Yeshua/Jesus died for... These people will see that all that they thought did not do them an any good and will spend the rest of eternity in Hell. It is easy to take a can of food to the local food bank or write a check but that is as close to those dirty homeless or poor people that they want to get.

Here in Orangeburgh as well as other places across the state and country we just use a band-aid approach to things we really do not want to deal with and want the government to take care of it.

As you see in my previous post the government is ill equip to really handle the homeless situation and as is seen on the news more and more of the coming recession more homeless is on the way and may even be You as one of the new homeless.

Yesterday at the congregation where I sing in the choir, a leader of the church talked about the seminar, he attended on behalf of the congregation about getting them to have an emergency plan. You could see the eye rolling and the yawns of boredom all about. No one really was concern about the importance of being prepared for the next emergency. They all went through two hurricanes in the last 10+ years plus possible hurricanes. We went through an ice storm that knocked out electric power for week or more and many sat in the dark and cold but did not take action to be prepared for the next emergency.

In closing, should we not be concerned about where our community, state, country, hemisphere, world is going? In order to have a strong society is to help those that cannot help themselves. That is not to justify forcing solutions on the poor and homeless as adolf hitler did but rather allow them to explain the resources they need, for they know their life better anyone else and then help them what they think they need.
Yes, some will fail and some have hurt for so long that con jobs is all they know how to do with all the darkness in their heart. Help bring them to the light of G-D but remember even Yeshua/Jesus had his Judas.

Help the homeless no matter how many feet/paws they have.

For further info, you may email me at WMSBlog AT

Thank You and Shalom,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
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