Friday, November 16, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

People are homeless. sad but true and they have feelings too.

©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved
People are homeless. sad but true and they have feelings too. I read and hear things from people saying, “Homeless should be eliminated” something like that makes me wants to be G-D for 5 seconds so I can clean house.

People have needs that they cannot change

To breathe – have you ever thought that everyone has to breathe rich and poor. If you are rich, does it make you more worthy to get a breath of fresh air? Someone who is poor and homeless don’t they too need to breath? On the other hand, since they are not rich they should stop breathing. The well-off people I deal with, rather the poor stop breathing so there is more air for them. I wish I was just joking about this but it is true! They don’t say it in those words to others but that is what they want.

To eat – I dislike food bank. Some people donate and those who do have the mindset that people should eat the food they pick out for them and the unhealthier the better. When you have to go to a “food bank”, you get into a situation that you are losing your dignity and your freedom. If you took well-off people’s money and force them into having to use a food bank they would not fare well. They want to be treated special. I think everyone is special as reach out to G-D and to each other with open hands and lives.

Some churches gives out food vouchers so that the recipient can go to the grocery store and make choices. We spend Billions of dollars on a food stamp program that is riddled with fraud and waste. Let us get rid of it and the church and private groups reach out and help.

If you are to have, a food bank let the receipt go down aisles like a grocery store picking up what they and or family likes to eat. Life is hard enough do not make it more difficult for them.

To Work – our society makes its it seem like it is a crime to work. They will tell you to go on food stamps but then complain about the high taxes the government charges. If a person goes on food stamps or some other government program, that money comes from taxes and the more people on the welfare etc roles

A person needs the opportunity to work. It helps their self-image and self-value as a human being.

Next entry I am going to tdetail on how you can help the homeless this holiday’s season and beyond.
May you come to understand in a deep and personal way with G-D’s passion on how to help others in a real and tangible way.

Till nest time, Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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