Please don't be so quick to Judge those who just happen to be homeless nor their lifestyle.
WebmasterSanta The Homeless Advocate
Please don't be so quick to Judge those who just happen to be homeless nor their lifestyle.
As the Scriptures says Matthew 7: 1 - 5 "take the log out of your own eye before you attempt to take the splinter out of another person's eye."
We need to help others better themselves but not at the loss of their dignity nor forced them to change.
Do as you want others to do to you. Let freedom and free enterprise reign and the G-d of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob rule surpremely in our hearts and life.Shalom, Rabbi Dale
Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
You may send donations may be sent to
DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674
Please make Checks Payable to: RIPE for HARVEST
and in the MEMO section write in
DCW Street Children's Mission
or Mission #99
Thank You