Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

Learn to be a champion for the homeless & poor

When things go wrong and they are out in the heat or cold its not the time to give advice on what they should do.

We don’t need to be armchair quarterbacks in the life of someone whose life is failing apart.

To be a champion does not mean to tell what to do an how to do it. People know themselves and know what their limits and needs are.

Life is hard and when you feel everything slipping the last thing you need is someone trying to force his or her way on you.

Rule of being a champion of the homeless and poor is:

Be a real listener. Tell them what you think they said back to them. We tend to hear what we want to hear and not what they are trying to communicate with us.
Work within their frame of reference not yours. It is their life not yours. When the day is over you can go home to a comfortable house and food on the table, they have none of this and their life is unmentionable sadness.
See what resources and talents they have that would benefit them and show them what possibilities are but not to make them chose but open the possibilities and let them choose.
(To be continued)

I will end here to let this all sink in your thoughts. Do not force, nor judge, unconditionally help them. I will say again, Do not force, nor judge, unconditionally help them..

May you rise to the challenge as Yeshua /Jesus asked us all to do. Matthew 25: 31 – 46

This is Rabbi Dale and I am praying for you.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

The Series: Thrifty living doest mean hardship living.Homeless Advocate
©2006 By Rabbi Dale

Homeless Advocate ©2006 By Rabbi Dale

The Series: Thrifty living doesn't mean hardship living. Homeless Advocate ©2006 By Rabbi Dale

Part One - Your Tithe ©2006 By Rabbi Dale

Tis only according to

4 Month's 'Til Christmas
127 Days 'Til Christmas
3048 Hours 'Til Christmas
182918 Minutes 'Til Christmas
10975090 Seconds 'Til Christmas and not a creature is saving not even the mouse. Ma is ironing the kids new school wear and I am thinking I got to get another 2 jobs to pay for this house and the gifts before Christmas, I am such a Yutz.

If this story sounds like you its not to late to try to save before you become homeless.

Many homeless people I have counseled have had over spent their income and then the unexpected happen and on the streets they went and many are still there.

These steps are not eat bread and water but rather taking the time to curtail waste and greed.

Part One - Your Tithe

First rule of thumb is give to G-D first.

This does not mean you have to give every part of your tithe (10%) to the church you go to. This will not make many church boards happy but the scriptures talk about giving to G-D not to an organization that they themselves cannot control their own spending.

Accountability and Stewardship is the key words here,

The purpose of giving is not to build another larger comfortable building so we can sit for an hour on our gluts, but rather to go out and serve G-D and HIS creation

If your church property is not being used except over an hour or so a week then you have wasted expenditures and have wasted G-D’s money.

Do not look to the formula that if I give $100 G-D will give me $10,000 this is all fraud. You give to give not give to get.

“Remember to spend on flesh and blood” not “flesh and comfort” quote© 2006 by Rabbi Dale

Our life is to be as action as Yeshua/Jesus did. So go and do as Yeshua/Jesus did.

None of this means you cannot give to your church or congregational home but rather see that the money is spent well and not for creature comforts.

Sadly many churches want to get rid of high cost programs that help flesh and blood like community kitchens that feed the homeless and poor. Even some do not want that kind coming in “they just scare me” as Pastor and church members say.

The church I have been a member of for over four years have now for the most part no longer personally help the homeless, and poor. Approximately 1/8 of the collection goes to a pastoral discretionary fund that has no accountability.

This seems to be the current trend all across America where we see big name evangelist holding big time meetings with humongous bills to pay for TV time etc. and none of this goes to help flesh and blood.

It is no wonder why many give less to their church than the 10% G-D requires. Due to Christendom’s overspending and a mega-church mentality we just don’t feel like contributing to this fraud.

“Remember to spend on “flesh and blood” not “flesh and comfort” quote© 2006 by Rabbi Dale

If G-D is real to you go out with others putting your tithe into action and not just so the pastor can have a new car.

It never seizes to amaze me that in the third world they are not concern on creature comforts. They have church ran feeding programs, schools, medical clinics; their focus is to help those who need real physical and spiritual needs and not to nice programs to get people to donate.

When you look at your tithe money as an investment in G-D’s world, and not for comfort then the fruit of your tithe money becomes real and this is the first step to making your money work for you.

Next time “Investments”, what you do “now” will help you “then”.

Help others now before you need help. Always help the homeless and poor among you. G-D has put them across your path for a reason.

Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale

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RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

Homeless People are People too

Does the rise of murders of homeless people by adolescent youth and others sadden us? The last assumed murder is Tasha aka Little Bit in Nashville Tennessee which the city just had a Virgil for her

Look at the nation papers and see that homeless person being harassed by police, government officials and murdered by others. This is not an act of random violence but rather a planned execution to hurt a part of our society that cannot defend themselves.

These words are not just rumblings of an old man but rather through 34 years of research and life, I have concluded that people have a false idea of whom a homeless person is and through ignorance, hate and fear will falsely assume the reasons for them being homeless.

When ignorance , hate and fear festers people will react with spit, or “hey buddy get a job” or even attacking then to the point of murder as we have seen recently in Nashville and all across the nation.

Nashville is not far from the Capital City, hate, and violence may even be in our own house.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost upon us and is the season of helping others but let us remember to take care of each other now rich or poor and not wait for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Let us remember the homeless and poor, by reaching out in person, and not hide behind a charitable organization to help.

If we are to make Columbia a great capital city and South Carolina a great state, we cannot forget our poorest citizens. Let us not allow the government to round them up like cattle but rather let us work with them one on one to enable them a hand-up with love rather than a hand out.

Thanks, and Mazal Tov

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RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
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Donate to Help Street Children

Bottom line is you end up being homeless if you do not play the game called “living in the south.”

Without paid work, you have nothing.

One thing I learned about the south and other places is that many people‘s tradition (both black and white people both love to play games. These games are not Monopoly or Scrabble but rather to being a master over one who may not “look right” be from here etc.etc.

Another game is “let’s get them for free”. This one is a real favorite of the people here. They will work you maybe and then try to not pay you at all.

I and others have many talents and would be a great asset to a company but here in this city and area if you are not from here they want you to beg and plead for work etc. but mostly they spread the word to not give “so and so” a job.

Most of these people in one way or another have a one, two, or tree century linage to this place and they tend to remind you of it not exactly in words but in the way, they treat you. It does not matter if you are black or white. It is that you are from here and it is who “your Daddy is” that place prominence here. That Of course if your daddy was maybe a little unwealthy you are looked down upon.

The game is called “living in the south.”

Let me end this with there is some “nice” people here but even then they too will play the game for its expected of them and nobody wants to be talked bad about here its just not “southern”.

Many even the good people will wake up after their death and find that maybe they should have done Matthew 25 32 – 40 but now they have to deal with Matthew 25 41 – 46. It is so sad they should have had a deep personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus but now they will have a deep personal relationship with satan for all of eternity

Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
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RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

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and in the MEMO section write in
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Monday, August 14, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

Well it is another day in the homeless neighborhood

Monday, August 14, 2006 ©2006 by Rabbi Dale

Well it is another day in the homeless neighborhood

I was just reading how the Sheriff of Nottingham AKA Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of NYC wants to get rid those pesky little Homeless people and PUSH them into “affordable housing” instead of the cardboard boxes etc under bridges etc now. (Can anyone tell me what "affordable housing" is in NYC is?) I guess he has to make himself appear good since its election time again.

Here is an ideal Michael how about going to Lowe’s and Home Depot and buying them lumber etc so they can build them a home where they please,

If you want to help, Michael let the churches, private people help, and gets rid of the government fancy furniture and high taxes that drive people into homelessness.

The people of this country pulled your beehind (NYC) out of trouble at least three times in my lifetime and you still don’t understand that using the government to “fix” the homeless problem don’t work, it never has and never will,

I am starting to wonder if you really understand finances and the stock market as well.

Now where is Robin Hood when you need him, Maybe Superman can find him, it seems to take a Jewish Man to get things done, espically in NYC.
Mazal TovThanks for reading
We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
You may send donations may be sent to
DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

Please make Checks Payable to: RIPE for HARVEST
and in the MEMO section write in
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Thank You

Friday, August 11, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 Look at this

Changing Your Life
It has been said before, but it is worth repeating: the homeless problem is the problem the housed have with the homeless.I was just reading a terrific little blog item about a kid in Washington that had managed to set himself up as a computer consultant using a Starbucks wifi network while homeless. When Starbucks was closed, he spent the night at Kinko's. He scrounged for food and computer equipment. He worked for tips. He kept himself very clean. He surfed the internet for girls. In short, he had created a lifestyle. The blogger who was writing about him gave him a substantial amount of money hoping he would change his life. Of course, he couldn't understand why the wifi kid spent it on computer equipment.The blogger couldn't understand it because he refused to acknowledge that this man had a legitimate and sustainable lifestyle. When given money, he reinvested it in that lifestyle, as any responsible, reasonable person does. The blogger was angry at him. Why, oh why, didn't he struggle to get a home? The man was already home.Homelessness changes you. So does having a house. Your priorities become the priorities of the extant lifestyle. What you do with money has much to do with how you are living. All lifestyles are investments, and we continue to add resources in an effort to improve their performance. Abandoning a lifestyle is something we never do without a serious push. Once a lifestyle is comfortable, why should it be abandoned?This is another reason that charity is so unsavory. It comes from a position of superiority. The charitable feel they have a right to determine the goals, purposes, and uses of their charity. It lacks dignity. I don't mean for the recipient. I mean it is not dignified to try to direct the lives of others, to be so involved in the details of other lives. It's a failure to understand boundaries.
posted by Mobile Homemaker @ 5:12 PM 6
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Donate to Help Street Children

The rich live in the past, the middle class live in the future and the poor live in the present.

The rich live in the past, the middle class live in the future and the poor live in the present.

John said something on 04/01/05 @ 8:39 pm
Something to realize about giving charity to homeless or impoverished people is that they will use that charity for the means that they see immediately necessary. My mother’s co-workers at the community college she works for pooled together some money and bought a car for this girl that had to take a bus 4 hours a day to go to school and couldn’t have a job because of it. The girl turned around and sold the car to purchase something (I can’t remember) for her family. She didn’t see that the car was an enabler for her to go to school and work and eventually strengthen her position in society. It was all about improving her situation in the present.
The rich live in the past, the middle class live in the future and the poor live in the present.

Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
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DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
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Mesa AZ 85215-1674

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and in the MEMO section write in
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Murders Amongst Us Nashville Style

The rises of 20+ year olds attacking and even murdering defenseless Homeless People are sharply on the rise.

Homeless man talks about Sunday night beating
Aug 10, 2006 01:18 PM EDT

August 11, 2006 Transient men hurt in brutal beatingPolice say teens attacked three

20 year old Inglewood man sentenced for homeless beatings - Wednesday, August 9, 2006
(08-09) 21:26 PDT Los Angeles (AP) –

Homeless Man Attacked And Left To Die
POSTED: 3:06 pm PDT July 15, 2006

The latest attack is in Nashville again Homeless Woman Pushed into River
This is the same city that has been reported by the same news of the harassment of Police officers and I have repeatedly tried to get the Nashville Police commander to explain why the Nashville “finest has harassed and even brutalized the homeless and now won’t respond to questions about this new attack.

It is those who swore to protect the citizen’s are the one’s we need protection from now? Young adults beat upon and even kill the homeless, can we accept this behavior can we accept this crime?

It is time to hold our elected leaders, police and young people accountable. This needs to be done now not later, or the future is not ours
©2006 All Rights Reserved by Rabbi Dale
Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
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DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

Now Homeless - An Angel's House Burned Down

I was at the place where Sylvia works at where I pay one of my monthly bills. I noticed that Sylvia and Glenda her co-worker was not at the teller line. I mention where was Sylvia and Glenda at, I thought they were taking a late lunch. I was told that Sylvia’s house burned and was still burning as I stood there in the teller line and Glenda took her to Sylvia’s house.

The answered surprise me for you think that as “Saintly” she is that she would not lose her home in a fire.

Whoever reading this blog probably do not know Sylvia but I do. She is one that never said a bad word. She has blessed me with a bottle of cold water and a peach on a hot summer day that I had to walk all the way there to pay my bill.

At times of our life for whatever reason that G-D in his infinite wisdom and love allowed this tragedy to befall Sylvia.

I am with a sad heart that this has happened to such a wonderful friend and fellow servant in G-D.

Many times in our lives, people lose their home, and become homeless some to fire and some to evil property owners. We may never know why it befalls that person to lose their home. Some lose their home due to G-D’s judgment on their life but for Sylvia I just cry and wonder why.

Life in this town has been hard on me for I am not from here (read my other blogs about this town) many people try to make your life miserable if you are not from here but Sylvia is one of the very few that does make a difference in helping others lives and all I can say is

Why Sylvia’s house L-rd why?

Please say a prayer for Sylvia and those who know here give here a donation to help here in the time of need

You can also send in a donation to our International Mission Headquarters and we will pass it to her.

Your donations are tax deductible for we are a Non-Profit 501C3 organization listed in the IRS website as an Authorized Religious Charitable Organization.

Please send your Donation to:
Sylvia’s Fire Fund
DCW Street Children’s Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #992824 N. Power Rd #113282Mesa AZ 85215-1674

Make the check payable to Ripe for Harvest and in the Memo section write “For Sylvia Fire Fund, Orangeburg, South Carolina. Thank You.

Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
You may send donations may be sent to
DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

Please make Checks Payable to: RIPE for HARVEST
and in the MEMO section write in
DCW Street Children's Mission
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Thank You

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

Specific groups requiring special attention within a housing rights framework

The following is excerpted from HS/C/15/INF.7 - Introduction entitled "Towards A Housing Rights Strategy: Practical Contributions By UNCHS (Habitat) On Promoting, Ensuring And Protecting The Full Realization Of The Human Right To Adequate Housing"
Specific groups requiring special attention within a housing rights framework, according to the Special Rapporteur on Housing Rights, include:
(a) homeless citizens (no permanent residence);
(b) pavement dwellers (permanent residence on pavement);
(c) slum dwellers (residents of informal settlements, tenements, squatter areas, etc.);
(d) public-sector tenants (residents of social housing units);
(e) private-sector tenants (residents of private-sector housing units);
(f) owner-occupiers (own and reside in own home);
(g) victims of eviction, demolition, natural disasters etc. (temporarily or permanently displaced and dehoused);
(h) workers (employees of employers responsible for the provision of housing);
(i) families (families of every size or status);
(j) women (all women of any status);
(k) children (all children of any status);
(l) disabled persons (all physically and mentally disabled persons, including persons with chronic health problems);
(m) migrant workers (non-nationals employed in third countries);
(n) elderly persons (all persons over 60 years);
(o) refugees and asylum seekers (all accepted refugees and asylum seekers legally within third countries);
(p) low-income groups (all groups living under, at or near to the accepted poverty line in any society);
(p) rural dwellers (all non-urban dwellers);
(q) nomads, travellers, gypsies etc. (dwellers not restricted to a permanent abode);
(r) ethnic, national, racial, social or other groups (all members of any distinct groups);
(s) indigenous peoples (all members of societies which self-identify as indigenous peoples);
(t) civilians and other victims of war and armed conflict (all non-combatants affected by war, including internally displaced persons); and (u) occupied populations (all persons belonging to peoples and states illegally occupied by another state).

Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org. You may send donations may be sent to:
DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674
Please make Checks Payable to: RIPE for HARVEST
and in the MEMO section write in: DCW Street Children's Mission or Mission #99
Thank You

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Practical Resources for the Homeless and Poor

- GED Tutoring
- Literacy Tutoring
- Life long learning
- Traditional college, etc.

- Reading
- Board games (Scrabble etc)
- The park
- The public library
- The college library
- create your own hobby

Low Cost food
- Grocery store sales
- Food banks
- Dollar stores like Dollar Tree
- buy in bulk and share with others, divide the cost

Inside cooking etc.
- Microwave
- Hotplate
- Small "dormitory type refrigerator
- Solar freezer or refrigerator

Low cost housing
- Good luck
- Rooms for rent
- live in a cheap office with bathroom and use if for your business making it two places in one with half the cost.

If you have to sleep outside of traditions resident buildings
- Self-storage unit
- A field of a friend or kind landowner
- Never on a used railroad track but only on an abandoned railroad bed
- abandoned property of a kind landowner
- Your car or van, bus etc.
- An RV Recreational vehicle
- Boat, pontoon boat
- Semi tractor truck
- Semi tractor trailer but keep the gate open or make a door
- If you sell at a flea market and have a lock-up space then sleep there but check first with management (if the illegal mexicans can do it why can't You?

Low cost Clothing
- Store sales
- Clothes bank
- Thrift store
- Yard sales
- Flea markets

Make Money
- Sell at flea markets
- Consignment sales in someone else’s store
- Your own online business
- Online auctions etc. (eBay, Yahoo Auction etc.
- Odd jobs
- Yard sales
- Thrift store etc you and your friends started

Sanitation - Showers
- YMCA/YWCA or Fitness Center (will require membership)
Fire Station
City Recreation
Some Churches with a "family Life Center"
- Friends
- Solar water heater

Sanitation - Toilet
- Portable toilet
- Five gallon bucket with trash bag liner, toilet paper with spray Lysol etc.

Low Cost Transportation
- Walk
- Bicycle
- Moped
- Electric golf cart (some municipalities will let you use them
- Electric Wheelchair great if you are handicap or elderly. (you can find them used – check with a medical rental store for a returned but still good electric wheelchair

Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
You may send donations may be sent to
DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

Please make Checks Payable to: RIPE for HARVEST
and in the MEMO section write in
DCW Street Children's Mission
or Mission #99
Thank You

Friday, August 04, 2006

Donate to Help Street Children

First Blog is get people not to judge the homeless

First a message from our G-D

"Don’t judge or you will be judged.!"

Matthew 7:1 - 4

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

"How can you say you love G-D and Hate Your Brother?"

1 John 5 20-21

20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

21 And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

It is time to get rid of your hatred and come to G-D and to Love your Homeless Brothers and Homeless Sisters,

Now listen to G-d or does He need to say more?
©2006 by Rabbi Dale All Rights Reserved