Friday, July 27, 2007

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One Scripture EveryOne needs to Live by Matthew 6:1

One Scripture EveryOne needs to Live by Matthew 6:1
Please stop judging others especially those who have less than you.

Don’t judge because of facial hair, long hair, poorly dressed, etc. Do you ever think that that person had to make a choice of either buying something to eat or buying some shampoo?

When you don’t get enough work top pay both DPU (Department of Public Utilities) Utilities Deposit, and your rent you have to pay rent to the evil landowner and live in the dark and hot or cold.

People out there trying to make a living for themselves and people prefer to think you are either too handicap, too old to work, too light skinned, too much beard, etc. so they don’t hire you and then you don’t have enough money to pay the evil landlord like the one I have now.

Life is tough. When you are alone or with a dog you still have two mouths to feed. Don’t give the notion that “well give up the dog” People are so vain and irogant.That poor animal brings more comfort to one’s heart and life that all the so called “Christians” around them.

Take the time and share a little money. See what a person’s needs are and help them help them the way they think they need help with & NOT the way you want to help them!!!

Don’t draw conclusions just Love the person as Yeshua/Jesus Loved them, He came and died for them; can we do no less?

Remember Matthew 6:1 and do WWJD!!!

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

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Slumlords/ Slumlady Amongst Us

Slumlords/ Slumlady Amongst Us

One of the main reason people become homeless is due to a bad even “evil” landlord or landlady. I have one now that wants too much money for a place he/she don’t fix and you do work for them and they don’t want to pay you nor take the money of your rent.

Here in Orangeburg South Carolina is a prominent problem. With no protection the landowner can do basically what they want due to you can’t afford a lawyer and the “Legal Aid Society” doesn’t help tenants (its as if they are paid by the landowner to not help the tenants.)

When you got to a store and you buy a product that is defective there is remedies in that you go back and either exchange the product or you get your money back. The auto industry will do a recall and make things right (if you catch them at it). But for the poor tenants has no barging power due to the SC Statehouse in South Carolina.

We must have the power to negotiate a reasonable amount of rent.

We the taxpayers need to stand up to the Statehouse and demand a change to give the tenant an ability to pay a fair price on a dwelling that the landowner refuses to fix. Give the power to the consumer as they have in other sections of the “retail/product industry”

If you have a bad landlord let me hear from you. You can email me at Thank You

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Season of Change

Season of Change

We are now in the midst of summer and a lot of Homeless and Poor people have to face the pressure of being in the hot. As many of us do we go to the store and buy water in 16 to 20 ounces bottles for our families instead of the sugar carbonated drinks. In going to the store buy an extra box of bottled water and give to the homeless you see.

Sure there is Organizations that deal with the homeless but most are miss-ran and probably need to be put out of their misery, LOL. Individuals helping others and even a group of friends reaching out to the homeless and poor, we all can make a difference. We all are just moments away from being homeless if the plant closures, illness, etc. so let us not be so high and mighty thinking that it will never happen to us.

Sometimes the homeless are hard to see and may live with a person temporary or in their car if they are so blessed to have one. You may have a co-worker that is homeless and may not even realize it.

Soon the season will change and we will be in the cold and frozen again, so let us prepare for our own life and let us think of ways to help those that need a hand-up in life.

So as the seasons change let us not change our commitment and love toward the homeless for one day it may be us in dire need.

Each day making a difference in another persons life whether they are homeless or not, let us all do more than we can. WWJD?

Have a great day.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

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Wandering through the government jungle I came across a animal

OSGOP Elephant Café™2007 by WebmasterSanta & Rabbi Dale

Wandering through the government jungle I came across a animal I thought have changed its ways but haven’t. I shared my thoughts to him so he can see the “right” way and change his spots if he may. Here in the Jungle we elephants have a great time as we try to get rid of the elephant costumed rhino’s. and other creatures of woe. So life goes on and here is my response to try to

Having national health care a radical idea??? Lol England has it so does Canada that is why they all come here to the good ole USA to get there surgery done.

In other words it doesn't work. As for a radical idea how about doing away with Medicare etc. and return medicine to Physicians and Patients and Private Insurers. Wow, now that's Radical!!!

Of course when you add in an Obama and a dash of Edwards maybe a Pelosi of Kerry then you have the recipe of communism and unfreedom. It’s time to pack their liberal baggage and get someone that wants to run this country like a business that cares. Wow what a Radical idea!!!

Thanks for reading. May we all be true Elephants and come to our Café where we Elephant’s have a great time. May your days be filled with freedom, love, peace and security and not day’s of woe.

Elephant’s Roar!!!!!!!!

See more on my blogs at Shalom Y’all!

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Monday, July 09, 2007

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What are we going to do about the Poor and homeless?

What are we going to do about the Poor and homeless?

As the democrats try to seek the White house the question is that government just doesn’t get it about where we need to be as a nation.

There is a quote saying “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marveled at him.”. Matthew 22:21 Mark 12:17 But we have rendered (given) to Caesar/government.

The church use to be the educational system as well as the welfare. Now the government has now taken over thanks to churches just wanting to be a nice Sunday only weekend diversion.

It’s got to change back. Real people not a system needs to help those who need real help.

At 07/07/2007 we had a bunch of people jumping on the Prayer Wagon and while prayer is good it’s not the only thing that we are to do to help others. If prayer was an end to our needs then Yeshua/Jesus died in vain. He not only prayed, he touched people in a real and tangible way.

As we are G-D’s representatives here on the earth we must get out and help, with real help not just a band-aid.

It’s so sad here in Orangeburg there is only three places but only two days of the week you can get a no cost hot meal. While sometimes the food is not enough but it’s a place to go eat.

Tuesday it’s at Redeemer Episcopal Church at 12 Noon.
Thursday it’s at Salvation Army at 11 AM and then at First Baptist at 1PM

We use to have others but they are ether permanently closed or closed fro the summer and then they only give out Soup. Soup is not enough for people with real lives.

It’s sad that there is no evening “community Kitchens” for working poor families.

It’s sad that only 2 days a week you can get a no cost meal for those who need a real hand up.

With government feeling the pinch of voters to reduce taxes (which is not what the democrats want) the private sector needs to stand up and help.

They way to do a Community Kitchen is forget about your selfish quotas and bias and cook plenty of food and yes even present the Gospel in a real way not just in a sermon but sitting with the people and find out where they are in life and then helping them in real and tangible ways not just standing at a mural in downtown and have a “I can be seen by everybody” prayer meeting. As for praying in a group didn’t Yeshua/Jesus say
Matthew 6:5-7 (King James Version)
5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Let us not be seen to pretend to do good but rather only let G-D see the good we do.
So when that great day comes G-D will say enter into the joy of the L-rd. AMEN
To see more read my blog at Homeless Advocate at and my other blogs at
Thank you, if you need further ideas on how to bring real help to those who have real needs email me at spam will be deleted and only email with no attachments eill be opened.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

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Another Jesus Movement??? Yah Right LOL

Another Jesus Movement??? Yah Right LOL

Here is my post to a “Christian Magazine” that claimed that one preacher is trying to start a revival across the USA and he want it to be like the “original” Jesus Movement” of the 1960s 1970s.

It behooves me the audacity of gentiles to claim to remake history and claim their brand of “religion of super spirituality and forget the poor and homeless, beats all other beliefs hands down!

Below is my response to the article. I am not going to quote the source. It doesn’t matter where the article is it’s just another person that is misguided it what it means to be a true believer in G-D.

Their idea is to have religion with out sacrifice of your comfort zone and not serving the poor and homeless.

Without further adieu here is my response

Another Jesus Movement??? Yah Right LOL

Once again the Charismatics Lou & Lee , seem to miss the calling of G-D and what really happened in the 1960s & 1970s. This is not a flame but an observance of people missing the mark and not having the true understanding of history. Get Steve to explain it to you, he was there and seen some of it for himself.

The Jesus Movement was not just a “movement” or a revival which is a false word but rather a breaking down of walls of people helping each other, helping the poor who we would never have unless the “world “didn’t start first. Why it is the "church" is always in the catch-up mode with the "world"

It was the “Hippie Movement” that started to make a difference in people’s lives by feeding the poor and helping with free medical clinics. That was their “gospel”.

Its time the charismatics and non-charismatic start doing what G-D told them to do in Matthew 25 of feeding those who have nothing to feed themselves.

The Church as it is called have tried to be so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.

If You really want to see revival and want to see another Jesus Movement then get off your praying hinny and in Love, prayer with open arms help those that need open help not a folded hands of prayer and get rid of it’s all about Me and Jesus syndrome that has shoved out the real Jesus/Yeshua out the door.

Like the quote “the poor you will always have with you” yes that is because we have not reached out to them with real help and not just placate false spiritual help.

Stop judging others that are having a hard time making it in your “false spiritual society”. Help in Love, prayer and real physical help; give to those that need help not your judgment call.

The church of today is a far cry from the church of the Apostles time and is mostly a joke that the world laughs at.

If you want change, if you want revival then fall on your face repent before a holy G-d and then get up and start serving those that it may be uncomfortable of serving.

Sure some have gotten themselves in their place of misery but that didn’t stop Jesus from serving them.

WWJD, What would Jesus do and then do the same, for are we not to be His representatives here on the earth???

Bringing True Truth to fellow servants of G-D, and warning to the rest. Messiah is coming get (right) ready, or get left. Read the blogs at for further instruction.
Thank You Serve G-D!!!

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

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Is there freedom on the 4th of July in Orangeburg South Carolina?

Is there freedom on the 4th of July in Orangeburg South Carolina or anywhere else?

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July the day that the Declaration of independence was signed in Philadelphia.

Does it mean anything here in Orangeburg?

It’s for most is another day to spend time drinking and eating and forgetting the poor and homeless.

To a homeless person holidays is just another day for places of refuge to be closed the Library, CCMO, etc. its sad that a homeless /poor person is not invited to these activities.

Many homeless/poor people are veterans and have paid the price both physically and mentally for this country but tomorrow is just a day to shun them away.

The police will be called to get them out of “our neighborhood"

So it goes life in Orangeburg, South Carolina

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Once again Homeless people are under attack via politicians as well as muggers.

Once again Homeless people are under attack via politicians as well as muggers.

I could list the news articles here but go to our friend’s blog and see the new headline box at

Over and over politicians who have no idea on how to help homeless and poor people are rather making the problem worse.

Rule #1 let private people, private organizations and Jewish and Christian organizations do the work and the politicians keep there nose out of it!!!

There is an organization called Christ Central in Columbia, South Carolina is doing a better job as long as they keep from getting government money.

While government and United Way money is tempting to private welfare organizations it comes with string tied to their whims and restrictions and as far as I am concern is what is causing the downfall to Salvation Army etc. also when a non-profit org becomes multi-religion it falters from where it started from. How can I make such statements because I have seen it happen for 35 years.

Real People need to be helping Real People. Matthew 25:31-46


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