Slumlords/ Slumlady Amongst Us
Slumlords/ Slumlady Amongst Us
One of the main reason people become homeless is due to a bad even “evil” landlord or landlady. I have one now that wants too much money for a place he/she don’t fix and you do work for them and they don’t want to pay you nor take the money of your rent.
Here in Orangeburg South Carolina is a prominent problem. With no protection the landowner can do basically what they want due to you can’t afford a lawyer and the “Legal Aid Society” doesn’t help tenants (its as if they are paid by the landowner to not help the tenants.)
When you got to a store and you buy a product that is defective there is remedies in that you go back and either exchange the product or you get your money back. The auto industry will do a recall and make things right (if you catch them at it). But for the poor tenants has no barging power due to the SC Statehouse in South Carolina.
We must have the power to negotiate a reasonable amount of rent.
We the taxpayers need to stand up to the Statehouse and demand a change to give the tenant an ability to pay a fair price on a dwelling that the landowner refuses to fix. Give the power to the consumer as they have in other sections of the “retail/product industry”
If you have a bad landlord let me hear from you. You can email me at Thank You
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