Some People will always be the Bum
Some People will always be the Bum
We have one person that is in a wheelchair and has since his young years been a bum a real bum it’s sad to say. He has one leg now of which he lost it due to his own negligence.
He sits all day in front of the store trying to “sell” his bunny and Jesus pictures that are at the art lever of a 3 year old.
What can you do to get people of this statue to be productive level where they are beneficial to themselves as well to society as a whole?
The Bible talks about this and it suggest that you take a rod and beat their back with it.
This person draws a large disability check for the last few years and has a history of drug usage.
It’s sad that people equate this person top others who really need help. The money he makes off his pictures is as much and sometimes more than his welfare check.
He is able to work, but refuses to he also has a local trade college degree and refuses to use it to better himself.
I have a are a friend that has no legs and who is trying to get on the college football team here . So forgive me when I don’t feel sorry for this bum selling poor quality pictures to unsuspecting people that don’t know what he can do for if he wanted to he could work. When my friend refuses to be a bum and working hard to have a great future even with his true disability.
Need I say more?
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DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674
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