My Answer to a question: Why do many Republican politicians claim to follow Jesus yet vote against any bill that would help the poor?
My Answer to a question: Why do many Republican politicians claim to follow Jesus yet vote against any bill that would help the poor?
Q: Why do many Republican politicians claim to follow Jesus yet vote against any bill that would help the poor?
I thought Jesus taught that we should help the least among us. Also, why do Republicans claim to be pro life, yet they tend to be staunch supporters of the death penalty. The whole Republican platform seems to clash with Christian philosophy. What a buncha hypocritical flip floppers
A: Apparently you are getting the Republican and the democratic parties mixed up.
The GOP puts more money back in the hands of people and not takes away like the democrats do. Due to higher taxes both parents have to work and leave poor Johnny to his own devices.
The government is not the answer for the poor and never has been and never will.
As Yeshua/Jesus said the poor we will always have with us and so it is.
It’s up to the people personally one on one to help those who have needs.
Franklin Graham the soon of the evangelist Billy Graham has Samaritan Purse. There is many fine people in this world that reach out daily like Loaves and fishes to see that people have a good meal. If we took all the waste away and duplicate services the government does as well, and put the welfare of the nation in the hands of the people that truly know how to help instead of high paid bureaucrats then maybe you see that the enemy is not the GOP but the liberals that are bent to try to control your life and liberty.
So the question is what are “You” doing to help the poor or are you just one of “Those” who go around saying the sky is falling the sky is falling just to hear your self and think you are doing good? As for me we serve meals every Thursday and Tuesday to those who need a hot meal. We try to get others in the community to help but the democrats are too selfish to help.
Oh by the way I am a high official in the GOP.
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