Three examples of walking faith in Judaism we call Halakah. Basically it means to walk out your faith/belief in a real and tangible way. It is our center piece of our Life a sJews. Since “Christianity” came out of Judaism it is to hae the same but as the universal Church became controlled by gentiles and not Jews its Scope and Messiah changed and that why the “Reformation” took place. Christianity became a religion of attendance and Litergy and not a religion of Agape Action..
First Example: Francis Shaffer once said and was a title to one of his books, “How shall we then live.” This means that if the Bible is true and we are suppose to live our life by its dictates then how shall we live by Jimmy Williams he wrote
Second Example: A (Not So) Brief Defense of Christianity Faith Everybody has faith. From the meticulous scientist to the most irrational religious fanatic, everyone believes in something, and everyone acts on that belief somehow. The question is not whether we WILL have faith; it is whether or not the things we believe are true. Unfortunately, many people never evaluate the basis for their beliefs. They go with the flow of society, which today is dominated by the idea of religious pluralism. Religious pluralism means that we look at one another's beliefs and in effect say, "I'm OK and you're OK." A remark often heard, especially on campus is, "I don't think it really makes much difference what you believe as long as you're sincere."
Third Example: Charles Sheldon wrote a book “In His Steps as is accredited for the WWJD (What would Jesus Do) wristbands, signs etc. and be found at no charge at
So now, I ask how shall we live. If we say, we are a believer and say that the Holy Scriptures is true then our lives must reflect it.
This is Christmas time and many are going to advent services and even Midnight Mass etc. but is this what being a believer in G-D is? Do what we say we believe is really what we believe or are we just blowing hot air?
Numeral times in Scripture it dictates that we are to give our lives for G-D & others especially those who are poor and homeless. Is this really, what is going on in “Christianity? The answer is No! The Bible to most who claim to be christian is simply a nice book to read for Sunday school class etc. and not living by its treasured words. We have not allowed our life and lifestyle to follow Scriptural mandates if we did, the world would not be in the mess we are in.
We have turned our life focus on G-D, rather than our neighbor or us. When we are in trouble or have needs, we will do everything in our power to get what we need but not raise a finger to help those in need and are are struggling to have stability and dignity in their life’s.
We have so many resources and talents in our life that we do not share to help others share what we have to help living an unbiblical lifestyle that forces us to work more than G-D mandated in Scripture.
Famous Charismatic preachers are living unbiblical lifestyles and have been called on it by a US Senator from Kansas who has demanded financial records from the biggest names in Charismatic Christianity. He says wants to see that money is well spent but in doing so the Senator has violated federal law.
Look and see if these 6+ preachers are really living what they preach as Scriptures demands?
1. Yeshua’s (Jesus’) mission was not to build an earthly kingdom but rather to build human heart disciples to spread the True Gospel and not to build Palaces of Power.
2. Yeshua (Jesus) sent out 72 disciples and said not to take extra clothing, money etc.
3. To allow private individuals not government to supply a minister’s need of food and shelter as well as to work for ones needs.
4. Reaching out to G-D and being blessed by what is needed by the looks of those on the Senators list do not make the heavenly list.
Millions are struggling because the church continues to refuse to be the church of scripture in a real and tangible way. Society trapped itself by their hunger for government giveaways and free monthly checks. The church has long ago negated its responsibility by making the government to be the church of real life rather itself by not standing against the secular world and refusing the providence of G-D!
Next time: How shall we then live: Part Two.
Mazal Tov,
I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”
Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
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