Homeless Advocate ©2006 By Rabbi Dale
The Series: Thrifty living doesn't mean hardship living. Homeless Advocate ©2006 By Rabbi Dale
Part One - Your Tithe ©2006 By Rabbi Dale
Tis only according to
http://www.christmas.com/pe/564 Month's 'Til Christmas
127 Days 'Til Christmas
3048 Hours 'Til Christmas
182918 Minutes 'Til Christmas
10975090 Seconds 'Til Christmas and not a creature is saving not even the mouse. Ma is ironing the kids new school wear and I am thinking I got to get another 2 jobs to pay for this house and the gifts before Christmas, I am such a Yutz.
If this story sounds like you its not to late to try to save before you become homeless.
Many homeless people I have counseled have had over spent their income and then the unexpected happen and on the streets they went and many are still there.
These steps are not eat bread and water but rather taking the time to curtail waste and greed.
Part One - Your Tithe
First rule of thumb is give to G-D first.
This does not mean you have to give every part of your tithe (10%) to the church you go to. This will not make many church boards happy but the scriptures talk about giving to G-D not to an organization that they themselves cannot control their own spending.
Accountability and Stewardship is the key words here,
The purpose of giving is not to build another larger comfortable building so we can sit for an hour on our gluts, but rather to go out and serve G-D and HIS creation
If your church property is not being used except over an hour or so a week then you have wasted expenditures and have wasted G-D’s money.
Do not look to the formula that if I give $100 G-D will give me $10,000 this is all fraud. You give to give not give to get.
“Remember to spend on flesh and blood” not “flesh and comfort” quote© 2006 by Rabbi Dale
Our life is to be as action as Yeshua/Jesus did. So go and do as Yeshua/Jesus did.
None of this means you cannot give to your church or congregational home but rather see that the money is spent well and not for creature comforts.
Sadly many churches want to get rid of high cost programs that help flesh and blood like community kitchens that feed the homeless and poor. Even some do not want that kind coming in “they just scare me” as Pastor and church members say.
The church I have been a member of for over four years have now for the most part no longer personally help the homeless, and poor. Approximately 1/8 of the collection goes to a pastoral discretionary fund that has no accountability.
This seems to be the current trend all across America where we see big name evangelist holding big time meetings with humongous bills to pay for TV time etc. and none of this goes to help flesh and blood.
It is no wonder why many give less to their church than the 10% G-D requires. Due to Christendom’s overspending and a mega-church mentality we just don’t feel like contributing to this fraud.
“Remember to spend on “flesh and blood” not “flesh and comfort” quote© 2006 by Rabbi Dale
If G-D is real to you go out with others putting your tithe into action and not just so the pastor can have a new car.
It never seizes to amaze me that in the third world they are not concern on creature comforts. They have church ran feeding programs, schools, medical clinics; their focus is to help those who need real physical and spiritual needs and not to nice programs to get people to donate.
When you look at your tithe money as an investment in G-D’s world, and not for comfort then the fruit of your tithe money becomes real and this is the first step to making your money work for you.
Next time “Investments”, what you do “now” will help you “then”.
http://www.goldenchinaonline.com/ http://www.goldenchinaonline.com/blogs.htmlHelp others now before you need help. Always help the homeless and poor among you. G-D has put them across your path for a reason.
Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale
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DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674
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