Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Is there a Recession Coming? We need to look at our life, before its too late!!!

Is there a Recession Coming?

We need to look at our life and assess our life and lifestyle and see if

#1 are we glorifying G-D

#2 Is our life and our home filled with material overload

#3 Put feet and life to action, to serve G-D and others.

Years ago, I belonged to a congregation that for some unknown reason, decided one Sunday to have a "bring to church stuff out of your closets/storerooms and give it away”. It was phenomenal it became a monthly event. People that had needs had their needs met!!!

Many people become short-term and long-term homeless because they do not keep their spending in check. People who use to be dirt poor and now are well off find themselves caught in this trap of spend, spend, and spend. When you get used to having money it just seems to roll right out of the wallet without nearly a thought and the ole plastic card help us dig an early financial grave.

What I have been saying is not new or rocket science; yet year after year more and more people find themselves losing their home and become the homeless people that they made fun of.

It does not take much to become homeless. You over spend; you lose your mate either through death or divorce, medical problems, etc.

In my blog “Thrifty Living in Carolina and Beyond™”, I write on how to have a thrifty life that may not keep you from being homeless but may place you on better financial footing then most people.

The western world seems to think that we own the right to live as rich and spending as possible. Most believers’ today think that a rich believer is a godly believer. In addition, vice-versa if you r are poor you are ungodly, nothing is farther from the truth.

We have allowed the rich TV evangelist to pollute the Gospel of G-D It all stated with “Revered Ike” we all laughed years ago about his “Green Power” we all marginalized him and his theology but look at Benny Hinn. I remember when Benny was doing his auditorium shows but look at Benny now!!! Benny at one time was very personable and friendly but now he is too busy to stop and talk. His show has taken over his life. Now his messages as well as most of the other Tele-evangelist etc. have made The G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob into a vending machine G-D™ (Word coined by Rabbi Dale ©1972 All Rights Reserved)
I remember when G-D’s name used to be G-D now its Prosperity and keeping up with the Joneses, is it not???

Its time to take back the theology of believer’s and become more like St. Francis. We have lost the quietness of G-D’s power with the noisy jumping church that is too buzy making money, allowing the government to rule over the church *If you do not believe that try to have a Shul/church and have to deal with the IRS etc.

We have to stop and look at the suffering servant we all need to be servants of G-D. When G-D allows us to have cash flow its not to bless yourself but rather to bless others. We should not have a house and car that is paid for, but like Jay Leno and his fleet of cars, that is not G-D’s way.

The bottom-line is that we need to quench or thirst on material stuff and have a quench to live fully for G-D and to help others and then our reward, which is in Heaven we will get.

Today assess your life with your family and reach out to others that have needs and bless them.

If your church is not a service to G-D and service to others Church then you need to find one that is.

More next time, this is Rabbi Dale, Shalom™

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
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Monday, August 27, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Homeless is homeless no matter how many legs/paws you have.

Picture in Public Domain

Homeless is homeless no matter how many legs/paws you have.

In a local church bulletin, a parishioner had a stray 8-month kitten wander and stay in her yard. She I believe is allergic to cat fur and cannot keep herself but is asking those in her parish to adopt her. This kindhearted person took the kitten “Meeka” to the local vet to get all her shots. We all need to help homeless creatures no matter how many feet or paws they have.

I remember when we use to take care of each other. Sure, it is easy to help someone you sit with in congregation but what about the person that does not match your description of a person/human being. I have a long beard and yet people will not hire me because of it. I am discriminated by the very same people that say they Love G0D. One never knows that person that is beside you may be an angel as the scripture says.

Many will befriend a homeless kitten and never befriend a homeless human being that Yeshua/Jesus died for... These people will see that all that they thought did not do them an any good and will spend the rest of eternity in Hell. It is easy to take a can of food to the local food bank or write a check but that is as close to those dirty homeless or poor people that they want to get.

Here in Orangeburgh as well as other places across the state and country we just use a band-aid approach to things we really do not want to deal with and want the government to take care of it.

As you see in my previous post the government is ill equip to really handle the homeless situation and as is seen on the news more and more of the coming recession more homeless is on the way and may even be You as one of the new homeless.

Yesterday at the congregation where I sing in the choir, a leader of the church talked about the seminar, he attended on behalf of the congregation about getting them to have an emergency plan. You could see the eye rolling and the yawns of boredom all about. No one really was concern about the importance of being prepared for the next emergency. They all went through two hurricanes in the last 10+ years plus possible hurricanes. We went through an ice storm that knocked out electric power for week or more and many sat in the dark and cold but did not take action to be prepared for the next emergency.

In closing, should we not be concerned about where our community, state, country, hemisphere, world is going? In order to have a strong society is to help those that cannot help themselves. That is not to justify forcing solutions on the poor and homeless as adolf hitler did but rather allow them to explain the resources they need, for they know their life better anyone else and then help them what they think they need.
Yes, some will fail and some have hurt for so long that con jobs is all they know how to do with all the darkness in their heart. Help bring them to the light of G-D but remember even Yeshua/Jesus had his Judas.

Help the homeless no matter how many feet/paws they have.

For further info, you may email me at WMSBlog AT

Thank You and Shalom,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Let me add some extra info about yesterday’s article.

Let me add some extra info about yesterday’s article.

I personally know and have worked/volunteered (all unpaid) with Jimmy and Christ Central; I was the leader of Kids Kamp in Orangeburg, Bible Teacher etc.

I know Jimmy’s wife and their son. I know Jason as well.

I know them to be of good character and truly do help others enable them to be able to help themselves.

I wish I could make all the North Main and Politicians Naysayers to be homeless then they would be pushing to get the new complex built.

It is sad sayings I have seen used by these type of people “Let’s help the homeless people - let’s help them out of our community”

It is an old Jewish saying “You help yourself by helping other’s that nobody wants to help.”

Columbia will always be a so-so city until people rise up & not politicians, to help with really help the lowest denominators in our community.

Power to the Homeless and poor,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Don’t Coble, Jimmy Jones

Don’t Coble, Jimmy Jones

In response to the article in the State Newspaper about the future expansion: plans by Christ Central to house feed, etc, the homeless and poor: on North Main

.Jimmy Jones has more than done his share in beautifying Columbia, Wagener and other parts of South Carolina. He has proved that government is not capable or equipped to help those who have real needs of which the private and religious sector is better equipped to do the job.

Christ Central has for years have been at 2401 Main St. from this address countless people have received real help and real hope for a better future for themselves.

Now Jimmy Jones is under attack as well as those that need help by those who want to make a financial profit on others.

While government raises the minimum wage as well as taxes, more people are facing physical and financial dangers due to when minimum wages go up so do product prices. Those who fall by the financial wasteside now have a higher rung to having a stable life and become unreachable to them.

Now the city leaders, well off residents now want the homeless and poor just too simply disappear.

Life is Hard – Please Don’t Make it Harder for them that Have Not

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

I was walking to minister at our Soup Kitchen at First Baptist Church here in Orangeburg, SC where I have been ministering for over 5 yrs &....

Well yesterday was not a Thrifty Day for me and this post may be a little off topic but here it goes.

I was walking to minister at our Soup Kitchen/Community Kitchen at First Baptist Church here in Orangeburg, South Carolina where I have been giving the message of hope for over 5 years and I was hit by a vehicle. I ended up in the traffic lane about 10 feet were I started from. The black female I will not say here name must have been on the cell phone etc.

I waited for the ambulance that never came and the police where more in the hyped up masculine mood for they where looking for an escaped convict. It happened right across the street where King Clyburn is to have his Transportation palace on Russell.

I didn’t get here name or anything so I may have to pay for the medical bill by myself since I have no insurance and pay for stuff my self.

I ended up at the hospital after the soup kitchen.

They the radiotech took a lot of “sexy” pics of my ankle and knees. Lol.

I tried to go to the Family Health Center but they wouldn’t admit me saying the emergency room at TRMC Hospital was where I needed to go. At Family Health Center I would have only had to pay a thrifty price of $20 but now I may have to pay a $1,000.

I am really in pain today and I spent thrifty getting a box of Aleve™ 24 Tablets at Bi-Lo. Where the name is they Bi Lo (w) and Sell High. But it was under $4 bucks and I hope I got the best thrifty deal. I don’t like buying generic in pain killers off the self, I just feel unknowing if it’s really a good product.

I had some kind of reflux attack I ate outside and I could barely breathe and it seemed I had a bubble of gas coming up my esophagus. I got this a little at the Soup kitchen after the accident yesterday and told the Physician (who also was Jewish like me.) but at the time he didn’t see it as life threatening, but now it seems like life threatening to me it scared me, and it happen just 30 minuets ago.

All in all I praise G-D I am still alive, Praise G-D!!!

Well the moral of the story is if you want to live thrifty lives don’t get in an accident and have to go to the hospital.

It’s hard to live a thrifty life if you don’t get enough employment to get insurance. People think I am to handicap to work so in Orangeburg you have to live thrifty of you perish from the earth.

Now I don’t know how I am going to pay for the Hospital bill I try to pay $10 a month for the rest of my life I better live till I am 393 years old, Lol.

I hope you have a great day and well try to stay on topic next time, Lol. And please stay out of unthrifty accidents, Lol

Shalom till next time,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

I just off the phone from a person I have know for about as long as I have been here in Orangeburg. She went over and over how miserable my life is (As if I didn’t know that, Lol) she proceeded to say certain things I need to do to get a job – all of which I have done to no avail. One thing I have learned that those who are rich and well off have no idea what their little “advice hurts the poor and well is a waste of time.

I don’t want to pick on her personally so I won’t mention her name but she is one you would call rich. She doesn’t think she is but that is what the Bible calls her.

If people especially the rich really want to help the poor and homeless they need to get off their “Soapbox” reach into their resources and help them with the poor with the “help they know they need”, not the help that you “think” they need or with the help “you want to help them with” (and if they don’t accept the help you want to give then to “Hell” with them and you feel justified in writing them off) This is so sad and even evil that you think you “know” what they need, when in actuality you have not a clue the real help they need.

Yeshua/Jesus was extremely poor. He was homeless, so if you say you love Him and not love, the other homeless & poor people then you are a liar and the truth is not in you.

Reach out and help with them help they know they need.

Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Slumlords=Evil Landlords

Slumlords=Evil Landlords

It be okay if you lived in a somewhat slum of a place, but when your expected to pay a lot for a slum and have no mediator to help negotiate it really hurts.

This is why there are so many homeless people as well as people that go from place to place because here in South Carolina and especially in Orangeburg County when you rent and the place falls apart you have no recourse, thanks to The SC Statehouse, Magistrates etc.

Orangeburg has one of the highest unemployment in the state and probably in the nation. We have no Public Transportation, so you of off to bum a ride or walk. Employers want to know you have personal transportation and a personal phone or they will not even look at your application.

Be a champion for the poor and help them get rent they can afford and let’s get rid of the evil slumlords, by posting their names and making a slumlord act. We will all live better if these evil is gotten rid of once and for all!!!

Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Hot Monday

Hot Monday

When at the store buy a box or so of Augafina™ 20 ounce water etc. and give out as you go to the homeless ad others.

As it says in the Scriptures it’s a blessing to give out water to a thirsty soul.

Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Well it’s the weekend and where is the homeless and poor going to eat now?

Well it’s the weekend and where is the homeless and poor going to eat now?

We seem to think of ourselves and not of those who the weekend is just another day to scrounge for life out of dumpsters etc.

This week I was by CCMO which is the org that gives out clothes and food to those in need and someone left clothes donations outside in the back and a family with a really nice Chevy Blazer grabbed the donations and now you’ll probably see them selling them at the flea market or selling them on EBay. Those of us that needed those clothes now don’t have the options of them. I personally is desperately needing some pants etc.besides computer, internet connection, work etc. I yelled at them and took their license number I hope the cops will get them but DPS would not take down the information.

So remember those who have needs and if you are like me band with me and others as well try to get help not handout we all need.

Have a good weekend and go to your place of worship.

Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

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Praise G-D for my two angels

Being homeless or poor you don’t have a lot of options. You most likely don’t have a car or at least one that is super cool etc. ACwize, so you end up walking here and there.

Today it’s so hot my forehead is just like a waterfall. I really praise G-D that He sent 2 angels at 2 different parts of the day to stop and pick me up before I passed out and gave something for our Coroner Samuetta B. Marshall for something to do, Lol.

The first angels didn’t know me but she felt G-D wanted here to stop and pick me up. Praise G-D.

The second angel, Silvia, a friend of mine who just happened to have a day off in the middle of the week. We laughed because her boss usually has her work every weekday. It was a minor miracle she was off today. Praise G-D.

Most people of religious belief really don’t act on what they belief and this is so sad. I was talking to a store owner whose store I go to sometimes; we talked about what it means to say WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) which is a popular slogan for bracelets but many don’t really understand the implications or its meaning nor act on them.

If we say we follow G-D and Yeshua the Messiah we must truly reach out and follow Him by serving Him and others we may not even know.

Praise G-D for my 2 Angels who truly understood what WWJD means.

Let us look at our life and see if we are following a Westernized G-D or if we are truly following the Biblical G-D. Remember G-D doesn’t grade us for eternal life on the “bell curve”. It’s either “in or out” for Him and no second chance or makeup test for us.

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

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Saying Mazal Tov to Kevin

Saying Mazal Tov to Kevin.

Kevin Barbieux a well known homeless person who is a great blogger and has acquired a room in Colorado. It’s sad he has to leave the Nashville area to have a live with all the churches etc. in the area that could of helped, it took a friend to finally get Kevin a secure place to live.

Let us not judge but reach out to those who need assistance they way they know that will work for them.

So Kevin a big Mazal Tov and hope to hear good news from your big move.

Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, August 06, 2007

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You got to get past Matthew 7:1

You got to get past Matthew 7:1

It just gets my goat that people can’t get past Matthew 7:1. That is the scripture that says “Judge not lest you be judged”. Here in Orangeburg you got to look a certain way, plus be from here, as well as …… or you don’t get help and shuffled to the back of the proverbial bus.

Look at a homeless or poor person as a person that Yeshua/Jesus came and died.

When you reach out to help them help them as they want help not what you want to do for them. Do not belittle them nor takes their dignity from them.

Remember Matthew 7:1 and reach out with real help. Helping them to enable them to help themselves is G-Ds way.

Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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