©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved
I am Cinderfella
I just got off the phone with a person that by his own description lived on three continents and speaks three languages. He moved to this area got married and now is having to live the game to keep employed.
I too am not from here. People have been telling me I need to play the game, that is to manipulate people into giving money etc. by talking a certain way, dressing a certain way, just so I have a place to live, eat, etc. and when i refuse they then try to force me to leave town, this is sin
My heart is filled with sadness, People cannot see how they hurt each other and in particular, those that need work, etc. to get off the streets or from being thrown to the streets.
This person went on for over and hour and sometimes with a loud angry voice, accusing me of things saying I need to play the game. He wants me to walk around in a suit etc cut my beard, which is against my faith. Where am I going to get a suit let alone I have to walk everywhere, I need to go.
Being Jewish is who I am and the gentiles here cannot understand it. It is like nazi Germany all over again. I thought its illegal to be prejudiced
I do not know what to say, I am hurting so badly. My rent is due and it was supposed to be paid by someone for the work i have done, but its not, so now I have to face an angry landlord again.
When people will not hire you because of their own perceptions of who you are, your cdapcities, etc. you are no better than a slave.
When they will not give your a job because you do not bow low enough, say “yes massa (master) loud or quick enough. They want to hold control over you.
This town by his own and others definiton is different from any other town in the world. Even Jerry Springer wouldn't believe the way this town is!!!
I am so tired of being the N word here. Prejudices are much alive and petty here on both colors on the race coin here, both sides are equally predijucee.Yeshua/Jesus
I have a friend he wears his hair in a spike and colored. People make fun of him. If he cannot get a job because he is different, then why is it he is to be blamed for it? Am I Rip Van Winkle that sleep for years? Is this still not the United States of American? Are we not supposed to be free? If I had the funds, I hire him.
If you cannot get past what is on the outside G-D has not be able to get past your outside and into your heart either.
I do not know what is going to happen to me.I may end up living in a field because no one wants to give me a job because I do not conform to their standards. I guess that is what got 6,000,000 of my Jewish family killed in the Holocaust.
I do not want to judge people or mistreat them even when they mistreat me. There is a couple at the soup kitchen I minister at. He used to cuss at me and be mean, but all I do is pray (silently) for him and her. Now G-D has blessed they sit at my table making peace with me.
I am so tired of the antics of this community. They seem to forget that the War between the Sates (Cilvil War) is over,.
I am sorry for this saddness but I just got this place and granted its in dire need of fixing up etc. its home to me.
Pray and help the homeless and others that G-D has put across your path. No one knows how close that one may be to have no more options and they are wondering if its time to kill themselve's. I remember a friend here that killed himself, left a wonder little girl.
Please get past your oen bigotry and reach out to help and love.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving
Till net time,
Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved
I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”yahoo.com
Check our other blogs housed at
http://GoldenChinaOnline.com Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.
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