Monday, November 26, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Remember them this Holiday

Just a simple note. Give, Love Help those who need help.
Mazal Tov
I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Homeless people need college too. ©2007 by Rabbi Dale All Rights Reserved

©2007 by Rabbi Dale All Rights Reserved

What would happen if all a homeless person need to improve himself is to take one coursc But coolede waste too much money!!!

Too much moeny and no value schools, BUT What would happen if there were a FREE – NO COST tuition University?

What if, the there was two branches of a University, one was a physical college for those traditional students, and one virtual/ physical college for the non-traditional student,

The traditional one would be suited for the young students as well as He or she could still live at home and grow and mature in that setting.

The non- traditional college would be suited for working parents those who had to go to work to keep a roof over their head etc, never was able to go to college or to those who never were able to finish going to college.

Working parents those who had to go to work to keep a roof over their head etc, never was able to go either to college or to those who have some college, and never was able to finish.)

What if both types of the university were totally free of tuition?

What if, this college was non-traditional in the sense that it be book and practical experiences courses, and different from the traditional colleges of today which are are book and test courses?

What if this was all free to the students? Overhead was paid for without ANY government money or grants. It would be priceless.

There are many former students that for one reason or another never able to complete college. Things happen. What if the person is denied a promotion because he/she does not have the degree. Sure, there are other colleges like Phoenix International but the cost of going is extremely high.

Many good people out there have written books on subjects they know but do not have the brand name to get their textbook into a college. Western brand education is stuck in nomads land and is all head knowledge heart knowledge.

The are innumerable homeless people that could use such a college, the same for countless others.

A strong educational background that knows how to read and write,science, math, etc and a strong biblical background is a must foundation to have a stable life along with a working income to be able to provide for ones needs and help other in the name of G-D.

Write to me and let me know what you think.

Till next time, Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale ©2007 All Rights Reserved

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

I am Cinderfella

©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved

I am Cinderfella

I just got off the phone with a person that by his own description lived on three continents and speaks three languages. He moved to this area got married and now is having to live the game to keep employed.

I too am not from here. People have been telling me I need to play the game, that is to manipulate people into giving money etc. by talking a certain way, dressing a certain way, just so I have a place to live, eat, etc. and when i refuse they then try to force me to leave town, this is sin

My heart is filled with sadness, People cannot see how they hurt each other and in particular, those that need work, etc. to get off the streets or from being thrown to the streets.

This person went on for over and hour and sometimes with a loud angry voice, accusing me of things saying I need to play the game. He wants me to walk around in a suit etc cut my beard, which is against my faith. Where am I going to get a suit let alone I have to walk everywhere, I need to go.

Being Jewish is who I am and the gentiles here cannot understand it. It is like nazi Germany all over again. I thought its illegal to be prejudiced

I do not know what to say, I am hurting so badly. My rent is due and it was supposed to be paid by someone for the work i have done, but its not, so now I have to face an angry landlord again.

When people will not hire you because of their own perceptions of who you are, your cdapcities, etc. you are no better than a slave.

When they will not give your a job because you do not bow low enough, say “yes massa (master) loud or quick enough. They want to hold control over you.
This town by his own and others definiton is different from any other town in the world. Even Jerry Springer wouldn't believe the way this town is!!!

I am so tired of being the N word here. Prejudices are much alive and petty here on both colors on the race coin here, both sides are equally predijucee.Yeshua/Jesus

I have a friend he wears his hair in a spike and colored. People make fun of him. If he cannot get a job because he is different, then why is it he is to be blamed for it? Am I Rip Van Winkle that sleep for years? Is this still not the United States of American? Are we not supposed to be free? If I had the funds, I hire him.
If you cannot get past what is on the outside G-D has not be able to get past your outside and into your heart either.

I do not know what is going to happen to me.I may end up living in a field because no one wants to give me a job because I do not conform to their standards. I guess that is what got 6,000,000 of my Jewish family killed in the Holocaust.

I do not want to judge people or mistreat them even when they mistreat me. There is a couple at the soup kitchen I minister at. He used to cuss at me and be mean, but all I do is pray (silently) for him and her. Now G-D has blessed they sit at my table making peace with me.

I am so tired of the antics of this community. They seem to forget that the War between the Sates (Cilvil War) is over,.

I am sorry for this saddness but I just got this place and granted its in dire need of fixing up etc. its home to me.

Pray and help the homeless and others that G-D has put across your path. No one knows how close that one may be to have no more options and they are wondering if its time to kill themselve's. I remember a friend here that killed himself, left a wonder little girl.

Please get past your oen bigotry and reach out to help and love.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving
Till net time,

Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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P-38 can opener

©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved
P-38 can opener
For detail see here

One of the best things to have whether your homeless or not is the P – 38 US Military can opener.

It can be on a key chain and never needs electricity. There is a bigger model that is a few fractions of an inch longer and easier on your hand, you will see what I am saying when you use one. Most Army /Navy Surplus have them.

In the future, I will be sharing about making and giving out gift bags for homeless and poor people. P-38 is necessary need for the gift bag and a Swiss Amy knife as well.

This time of year people give gifts to family, friends, co-workers why not give gifts that need help. Please help the homeless and near homeless. It is a sad life, one that is filled with tears and sorrow.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

Till net time,
Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Indoor Farming

Indoor Farming

Indoor Farming is great for:
Tenants and not allowed to have a garden or farm.
the winter time
those who just like to grow plants inside
For the elderly and handicap, that mobility is an issue.
those who do not like the heat and cold of the seasons
or just plainly want to grow plants veggies etc. without snoopy neighbors

Everyday we loose more and more farmland and soon where are we going to get our food. By all the recalls, we see that China is not the place to get any kind of food or products. As more recalls/safety issues and high cost, consumers (that is you and I) are looking for alternatives. I have taught, debated, talked about living with natural/alternative ways for decades. It was not until the Muslims picked on us and bombed the World Trade Towers and a little vegetation plan (bush) got us into a war that many are now looking at alternative ways to live. Many will always just talk about alternatives but some of us are already living alternatively.

What are those alternative ways? Before World War I, the country was agriculturally based especially the South and West. That is what started the War Between the States or as they call it here the Northern Aggression. The north was industrial and the South was agriculture. The Union or North taxed products from the South (veggies) and if you did not pay the tax, you could not bring your product across the Mason-Dixie line. What would you do? If you did not pay the tax, your produce would rot and make no money.

The South was tired of it and fired on Fort Sumter. In my investigating that if the south waited and prepared more for three more years the South would have won. The CS Huntley proved that.

Now we are being forced into another civil war. We have been invaded by foreign soldiers that is illegal criminals that have come across to work in the farms to replace the workers was lost due to the War Between the States. Now we have Mexicans etc that they are not just doing farm work but also taking other jobs and forcing those of us that want to work not able to be employed.

Our culture is all changed and that the farming industry is being pushed south of the Border. From 1600 -1800 bad decisions who made of who to hire for labor. The first set of workers was Africans and now Latinos. One of the first things we learned in History class is the history repeats itself. We are now seeing history repeating itself.

We have neglected the ones that originally had this land and it is days before anyone even thinks about or says something about the Native Mexican except when some wants to complain about them trying to get a another Bingo Hall.

There is no forward vision in our country. WE all want the here and now and to hell with the future. Now we are paying the price for bad judgment. The forefathers and mothers brought in foreign nationals after we segregated marginalized and destroyed the culture and families of the original landowners (Native Americans), now we are doing it again. The Democrats are trying to repeat bad judgment part 2. Then when it fails, then they will blame the Republicans as Hillary and Kerry already does.

We are in such a mess and now poverty is all around us. We have closed our eyes to the destruction that non-caring liberal/democrats and rhino republicans produced, and forcing us true Americans us into a corner but now some of us are fighting back with Indoor Farming due to
Security concerns/vandalism – time after time you hear about someone’s garden vandalized and or uninvited guest stealing the produce.
Pollution from automobile emissions (of carbon Monoxide), factories, etc.
Stress release – after a hard day in the non-G-D culture we are in and being sexually harassed by both genders.
Health mobility concerns – it is easier to farm in a wheelchair and a plant table.
Terrorism – With liberal politician and a one-world government, you no longer have privacy and a President; I do not know which one is worse the Terrorist or our government.

Its time to take our country back and we are doing it one piece at a time.With the power of knowledge, Living Thrifty and G-D’s Love!!!

Next entry I will post links to resources that have product and info that will help you get on your way to Indoor farming which is a great way to live Thrifty living in Carolina and, Beyond.

Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

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People are homeless. sad but true and they have feelings too.

©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved
People are homeless. sad but true and they have feelings too. I read and hear things from people saying, “Homeless should be eliminated” something like that makes me wants to be G-D for 5 seconds so I can clean house.

People have needs that they cannot change

To breathe – have you ever thought that everyone has to breathe rich and poor. If you are rich, does it make you more worthy to get a breath of fresh air? Someone who is poor and homeless don’t they too need to breath? On the other hand, since they are not rich they should stop breathing. The well-off people I deal with, rather the poor stop breathing so there is more air for them. I wish I was just joking about this but it is true! They don’t say it in those words to others but that is what they want.

To eat – I dislike food bank. Some people donate and those who do have the mindset that people should eat the food they pick out for them and the unhealthier the better. When you have to go to a “food bank”, you get into a situation that you are losing your dignity and your freedom. If you took well-off people’s money and force them into having to use a food bank they would not fare well. They want to be treated special. I think everyone is special as reach out to G-D and to each other with open hands and lives.

Some churches gives out food vouchers so that the recipient can go to the grocery store and make choices. We spend Billions of dollars on a food stamp program that is riddled with fraud and waste. Let us get rid of it and the church and private groups reach out and help.

If you are to have, a food bank let the receipt go down aisles like a grocery store picking up what they and or family likes to eat. Life is hard enough do not make it more difficult for them.

To Work – our society makes its it seem like it is a crime to work. They will tell you to go on food stamps but then complain about the high taxes the government charges. If a person goes on food stamps or some other government program, that money comes from taxes and the more people on the welfare etc roles

A person needs the opportunity to work. It helps their self-image and self-value as a human being.

Next entry I am going to tdetail on how you can help the homeless this holiday’s season and beyond.
May you come to understand in a deep and personal way with G-D’s passion on how to help others in a real and tangible way.

Till nest time, Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

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Countdown to Thanksgiving 2007

Countdown to Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving when I was young was a favorite holiday for me with Arthur Godfrey, Macy’s Day Parade, and Mom cooking in the kitchen, but those days are gone. My Mom and Arthur are both dead. Macy’s Day parade seems to be a Hollywood glamour rock show and not the nice family parade it use to be with great balloon floats.

Since I been in Orangeburg it is the same old thing no family to share the day with. It is a sad day for the homeless and poor especially those of us that have no living families to spend the day with.

In the news Pamela Anderson, the Baywatch Babe is recently married and vegetarian is going to have a Thanksgiving feast for the homeless etc in Las Vegas. Read Here

I was thinking Pamela can’t be all that rich after all the financial draining divorce, etc. and we got to have as equally rich here in the Carolinas why doesn’t the rich here spend the day helping those who the day is just a another holiday to feel pain and rejection.

So remember the homeless and poor and make it a point to help physically and financially this year and next for you never know the homeless and poor may very well be you in the future.

Till Next Time ™2007

Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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“The responsibleness of government is to not infringe on the rights, privileges, etc. of its citizens.” ©2007 by RabbiDale All Rights Reserved

“The responsibleness of government is to not infringe on the rights, privileges, etc. of its citizens.” ©2007 by RabbiDale All Rights Reserved

Violation of these words is what happened to Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI, etc.
Now our own SC State Senator Brad Hutto is doing the same again in his attempt to covertly regulate the Internet and private businesses.

Brad’s assumption is that South Carolina State government must be in competition with private business and or if possible block private businesses from operating under their own directives. It is sad that Brad is well known for using untruths, legal maneuverings, etc. to try to persuade the voters, citizens and powers that think they be, to his, and other’s Democrat liberal plans.

One of the latest cases is Brad while being an attorney and SC State Senator representing SCDOT (South Carolina Department of Transportation) which is a conflict of interest against a private landowner, over a simple placement of a retaining pond in St. Matthews. Brad and SCDOT attempting to block the landowner’s placing the planned but not yet existing retaining pond in the back of the property out of the way and where the front of the property will be more useable.

Now here is Brad’s latest attempt to have SC government in competition with private business and or if possible block private businesses from operating under their own directives see the Times and Democrat story at

Brad is wrong in the assumption that there are some people not able to get broadband Internet and that is not true. Satellite Broadband is available in rural South Carolina. Log on to HughesNet & Direct TV go to and others.

So Brad you once again is wrongo. We the citizens of this State, Country & World do not need government help in the Internet etc., Thank You for stopping by Brad. Please stop wasting our tax money on these useless tax money endeavors of yours, fellow Democrats, and Rhinos Pork Politicians, its just plain wrong, Shame on You. Signed Rabbi Dale AKA WebmasterSanta
I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

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Cornerstone makes thrifty and saves on Building expenses

©2007 by Rabbi Dale All Rights Reserved
Great things are soon to be happening In Orangeburg. For over two years, Winn-Dixie Corporation has left Orangeburg and has left behind a huge building on Chestnut in their wake. The building remains vacant while many rumors have floated of whom the next occupant will be. While rumors of Target and other big box stores have come and gone, no one has moved in, but that soon will all change.

Sunday November 11, 2007 during the three morning services, Cornerstone Community Church Pastor Artie Davis announced to the congregation that Cornerstone is buying the old Winn-Dixie on Chestnut Street to house the church with a possible move in date of fall of 2008 after the massive remodeling of the building. To many this would be a humongous undertaking but Cornerstone is in its tenth year and steadily growing. According to a church officer that the sanctuary is, about 80% occupied in the two of the three services and has to either build a new building or move to a larger building. Their prayers been answered at 1481 Chestnut Street with 48,400 Square Feet of room, which is several times larger than Cornerstone's present building but Davis reported, “that with the expected growth the building would be well used. “

According to Cornerstone Community Church Pastor Freemon Thomas, “Two of the three annex buildings are now housing some of the youth activities and the third one will soon be called into service for the youth of the Church.”

In my investigating Cornerstone does take an interest in being a well run mechanism to serve G-D and His people. Many have tried to be a church similar to cornerstone but have not paid attention to details such as highly visible parking attendants, connection groups where you feel connected not left on a string, and all ages Youth groups to meet the spiritual needs of the children. Cornerstone has re-invested in itself and that sees to be working.

While many churches in Orangeburg are feeling the pinch of declining membership rolls and have started a contemporary service similar to Cornerstone yet roils are still declining, Cornerstone is growing by leaps and bounds with no end insight. Cornerstone has seemed too taken the time for details and peer fellowship one thing that the churches in Orangeburg has neglected. Pastor David Yonggi Cho of Yoido Full Gospel Church (Assemblies of God), The largest church in the world. started this concept and his church has grown in South Korea by mega leaps and bounds.

The next question is will the old Winn-Dixie be large enough in two to three years for Cornerstone.

Many churches have tried to imitate Cornerstone’s worship service, and have failed because the secret of Cornerstone is the connection of fellowship. Once Cornerstone gets hold of the scriptural mandate of Matt 25 34 – 46, helping their own members and non-members in their needs and crises. Emulating the love of 1 Corinthians 13 also standing up for the Jewish people, the spiritual energy behind Cornerstone will fathom any church in the south maybe all of the Fifty States, Just watch and see.

Cornerstone Community Church is on the World Wide Web at

Till next time Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale All Rights Reserved

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

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Illegal To Be Homeless 2004 Report

Illegal To Be Homeless 2004 Report
Narratives of the Meanest Cities

#1 Little Rock, Arkansas
#2 Atlanta, Georgia
#3 Cincinnati, Ohio
#4 Las Vegas, Nevada
#5 Gainesville, Florida
#6 New York City, New York
#7 Los Angeles, California
#8 San Francisco, California
#9 Honolulu, Hawaii
#10 Austin, Texas
#11 Sarasota, Florida
#12 Key West, Florida
#13 Nashville, Tennessee
#14 Berkeley, California
#15 Dallas, Texas
#16 Fresno, California
#17 San Antonio, Texas
#18 Milwaukee, Wisconsin
#19 St. Paul, Minnesota
#20 Manchester, New Hampshire

I like to add one. Orlando Florida
Orlando and its citizens have been done anything they can to

hurt homeless people.

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Just a thought will expand more later

Homeless people are now treated as if they are mere cattle to be rounded up and destroyed. See the blog of truth, reaching out for Peace & Justice for the Homeless and Poor.

If they kill all the homeless people are we next to be killed are we now back in nazi Germany heyday?

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

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Prais G-D

Rent food, utilities, etc. is all within reach to a homeless and or poor person.
It is all so simple but to the multitude of people, that help homeless people etc it is not spoken about.

Simply this > Help them find suitable work < duh! While much talk is about giving them welfare checks etc. the thing most needed and desired by homeless and poor people is to get them suitable work.

If you noticed I said, “Suitable work” Time after time I have seen homeless people screamed out by hate-filled people “get a job” Even goody two-shoes wonder why you cannot get a job.

Employment is hard to come by especially if you don’t have all the resources you need to acquire employment (Phone, an address, Place to bathe, transportation, etc. ) people also have certain limitations both physical, mental, etc. People may not have a good talent to count numbers so a job at McDonalds™ or a retail store would not be best and if hired they may not last two weeks. You have to listen to the person; he/she is a person and needs to be heard of the direction and job they want to acquire.

Many may need to go back to school to get GED etc. to be employed in the field they desire to be.

It is their life and not yours. They are the ones trying to get a job not you and so let them decide; after all, they are the ones that have to get up everyday to go to the job they choose, not you.

Many people try to force people in need to make decisions forcing them against their will, this is so sad.

We must love them and assist them not drag them.

So if you are privy to some job-opening let others know. If you needed a job you want others to tell you about and opening so do the same for others.

Till next time,

Mazal Tov,

Rabbi Dale ©2007 by Rabbi Dale – All Rights Reserved.

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

Tonight I had a can of beans for supper

Tonight I had a can of beans for supper actually its all I ate all day except for a P&J. I drained off all the water/juice and had an old bottle of hot barbeque sauce, left over parmesan cheese in packets from Pizza Hut™. I call it “Beans & Cheese”. It was good but now I am hungry again, I must have thought I was eating Chinese food.

The receipt goes like this

One can of beans I had.
Add a couple of good drops of sauce. I had some store brand hot BBQ sauce I bought for 99 cents that was on special. A couple of big drops of BBQ Sauce. (Couple, that means “two” to those who do not know what a couple means) (You be surprised no one under the age of 30 knows what couple means.)
Two slices of good bread. G-D blessed me with Pepperidge Farm’s™ bread. It s day old but its still great.

This is good cold if you on the streets but Praise G-D I have a house with a gas stove so I was able to heat it up.

Cooking instructions:
Open can and drain beans
Put drained beans in cooking pot.
Tear bread in small pieces and add with beans.
Put enough BBQ sauce in to moisten beans and moisten bread.
Stir mixture; add more sauce as needed.
Cook mixture until hot and remove from stove.
Stir in black pepper to taste
Open packets of cheese and sprinkle heavy over the mixture.
Eat, and enjoy

When you are poor and almost homeless, you do what you can to eat. It has been a week of chasing people down that has not paid for work. Rent is coming up this week and all you can do is just keep trusting G-D for the best.

In Orangeburg, we do not have the visible homeless as in other cities so you do not have the visible opportunities to help. Homelessness is more visible when you are in Atlanta even Columbia. Here you see only glimpses of destitute poverty.

Most churches here do not have programs for the poor and homeless but refer the unfortunate person to CCMO (Co-operative Churches Ministry Organization). While CCMO is, a good program it is for today's need not long term help as long as you need organization and that is what is needed. The government has welfare and a check if you prove you are “mental” but to the ones that need a hand up not a hand help is not here in Orangeburg, never has and most likely never will.

Not to pass judgment but I have been in this type of ministry all my adult life as well as lived a simple life as well you know what works and what does not.

The first thing that “do-gooders” as they are called on the streets is to try to take your dignity and pets from you, I know this personally.

People will help you only in the framework they want and to h _ _l if it helps you or not.

This is a sad blog today but it is getting hard to get others to truly help others and not only for their own self-serving enrichment.

When Yeshua/Jesus was here, he went out of his comfort zone to help anyone he could. Today the church is open for and hour or so and then when the show is over they pass the plate. “Don’t want the preacher to be homeless you know.” It is no wonder why false religions have taken over and Hollywood churches are ranking it in.

We have to get back to being a servant to help feed the poor, helping the children, widows etc. This earth is not our home and our relationship with G-D must include having relationships with all of his creation both humans, animals, land, sea and air.

Sit back, reflect and ask G-D how you and others can make a difference.

Next time I will give examples on how you can help.

Till next time.
Mazal Tov,
Rabbi Dale

I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”

Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.

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Support DCW Street Children Mission by buying this e-book or CDClick on Picture

Thanks for reading. We are a 501C3 Non-Profit Org.
You may send donations may be sent to
DCW Street Children's Mission
RIPE for HARVEST Mission #99
2824 N. Power Rd #113282
Mesa AZ 85215-1674

Please make Checks Payable to: RIPE for HARVEST
and in the MEMO section write in
DCW Street Children's Mission
or Mission #99
Thank You

Friday, November 02, 2007

Donate to Help Street Children

St. Petersburg police cut tops off homeless peoples tents.

If you can believe, you can achieve with G-D's help

Is our society falling apart when those who brutalize our weakest part of society are the ones who have sworn to protect? Who will protect people from the police that manipulate laws and hurt, enslave and brutalize those who are powerless?

Donate to Help Street Children

St. Petersburg Police cutting up homeless tents

Is our society falling apart when those who brutalize our weakest part of society are the ones who have sworn to protect? Who will protect people from the police that manipulate laws and hurt, enslave and brutalize those who are powerless?

Donate to Help Street Children

The Pursuit of Happyness Part 2

If you can believe, you can achieve with G-D's help

Donate to Help Street Children

The Pursuit of Happyness Part 1

If you can believe, you can achieve with G-D's help

Donate to Help Street Children

The Homeless Man by Sdaerd

What would you do if you were homeless?