One Scripture EveryOne needs to Live by Matthew 6:1
One Scripture EveryOne needs to Live by Matthew 6:1
Please stop judging others especially those who have less than you.
Don’t judge because of facial hair, long hair, poorly dressed, etc. Do you ever think that that person had to make a choice of either buying something to eat or buying some shampoo?
When you don’t get enough work top pay both DPU (Department of Public Utilities) Utilities Deposit, and your rent you have to pay rent to the evil landowner and live in the dark and hot or cold.
People out there trying to make a living for themselves and people prefer to think you are either too handicap, too old to work, too light skinned, too much beard, etc. so they don’t hire you and then you don’t have enough money to pay the evil landlord like the one I have now.
Life is tough. When you are alone or with a dog you still have two mouths to feed. Don’t give the notion that “well give up the dog” People are so vain and irogant.That poor animal brings more comfort to one’s heart and life that all the so called “Christians” around them.
Take the time and share a little money. See what a person’s needs are and help them help them the way they think they need help with & NOT the way you want to help them!!!
Don’t draw conclusions just Love the person as Yeshua/Jesus Loved them, He came and died for them; can we do no less?
Remember Matthew 6:1 and do WWJD!!!
I hope you all a Thrifty life that Yeshua/Jesus promised in John 10:10 if you have any questions or comments you and email me at wmsblog”AT”
Check our other blogs housed at Remember Thrifty living is the only type of living I know™2007. Mazal Tov. Rabbi Dale
©2007 All Rights Reserved.
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